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vol.2 número2Panorama sobre los estudios de clima organizacional en Bogotá, Colombia (1994-2005) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1794-9998


SOUZA DOS SANTOS, Sueli. Inclusion, what for?. Diversitas [online]. 2006, vol.2, n.2, pp.351-359. ISSN 1794-9998.

Based on texts of Lacan (1964), Merleau-Ponty (1964), Nasio (1995), among others, this paper discusses inclusive education and construction of subjectivity, having as a starting point the differences between vision and the look. Evidences are given to explain how mental representations which originate the unconscious formations are built. Vision is considered as a function of the organ, linked to perception with its tricks and distortions of the real, in contrast the look is imprisoned to the scopic pulsion, therefore of unconscious order, of the indefinite, the unspeakable, foundation of subjectivity. Pêcheux´s (1997) aspects of language and speech are emphasized. It is understood heterogeneity as what shows among identity, singularity and subjectivity, being implied in the construction of the representations of the visually deficient as well as of the not blind. It is asked how the school and the education of children with special needs, visually deficient, contribute to the formation of blind children´s subjectivity, or on the contrary, impose them the education for the not blind. The analysis takes discursive sequences produced by pupils of a school for visually deficient children and adolescents. Conclusions show some faults of the inclusion process of such children, where the school contents are presented in the same way as for children with no special needs, what makes us question its contribution to the constitution of different subjectivities in the dimension of the language.

Palabras clave : Analysis of speech; Psychoanalysis; Heterogeneity; Inclusion.

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