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Ciências & Cognição

versión On-line ISSN 1806-5821


ARAUJO POPOIRE WANDERLEY, Carla et al. Desenvolvimento sexual e cognitivo das portadoras da síndrome de Turner: Sexual and cognitive development of Turner's syndrome porters. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2004, vol.2, pp.61-74. ISSN 1806-5821.

Abstract The Turner's syndrome is characterized by an anomaly on the sexual chromosome, which occurs on female's phenotypes usually with 45,X cariotype. This anomaly is responsible by the high taxes of fetal mortality, and spontaneous aborts. Among the characteristics of Turner's women, the most important are: low height and sterility. To reduce the low stature is common the treatment with hormones, such as oxalondrone, growth hormone, and estrogen, that can increase their stature around 5-10 cm. Analyzing the psychological aspects of this syndrome, it is not observed any personality changes. In this way, psychosocial identification is not modified. Initially, the Turner's syndrome porters were observed to present a type of mental retarded, what is not real. It was verified that syndromics present a spatial perception and motor-visual deficit, having general difficulties on non-verbal tasks. On the other hand, they present a non-verbal IQ normal or under the rate, compensated by a verbal IQ normal or higher. © Ciências & Cognição 2004; Vol. 02: 61-74.

Palabras clave : Turner syndrome; hormones treatment; cognition; behavior; sexual alteration; development.

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