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Ciências & Cognição
versión On-line ISSN 1806-5821
AVILA ARAUJO, Carlos Alberto. A ciência como forma de conhecimentoScience as a kind of knowledge. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2006, vol.8, pp.127-142. ISSN 1806-5821.
Abstract In this study, the particularitities of science while a knowledge form will be analyzed from the distinction in relation to other forms as common sense, religion, art, philosophy and ideology. Next, the scientific knowledge will be defined and will be seen the authors who promote its foundations: Descartes, Bacon and Galileu. Finnaly, the particularitities of science in the context of post-modernity will be studied, with special attemption for the studies that have science as research object. © Ciências & Cognição 2006; Vol. 08: 127-142.
Palabras clave : science; kinds of knowledge; post-modernity.