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vol.23 número1¿Qué Aprenden los Terapeutas Conductuales para su Práctica Clínica en la Relación Terapéutica?Entre los Silencios y Las Formas: Censura y Poscensura en el Arte Brasileño Contemporáneo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versión On-line ISSN 1808-4281


JESUS, Daiane Linz da Silva de; SILVA, Bruna Fernanda da  y  BELLINATI, Natalia Veronez da Cunha. Effects of the Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality Intervention in Patients Diagnosed with Cancer. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2023, vol.23, n.1, pp.329-348.  Epub 03-Mayo-2024. ISSN 1808-4281.

Cancer is considered one of the major diseases in the world, and several strategies have been used to minimize the negative consequences of this disease. The Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality intervention is a potential way to improve the patients’ well-being. Therefore, this study identifies possible effects of this intervention in oncologic patients. Thus, an integrative literature review was carried out. The search for articles took place in August 2020 in the following databases: Virtual Health Library, SciELO, PubMed and Academic Google. The Health Sciences Descriptors established were: “Relaxation”, “Mental Images”, “Spirituality” and “Cancer”, in Portuguese and English, identified in the title, abstract or keywords. Articles in Portuguese and/or English with available full text, dissertations and/or theses were considered, with no limit on the year of publication. The search resulted in 948 studies. From these, 424 were discarded according to the exclusion criteria, and 500 based on reading of the titles and abstracts. Seven studies were selected for review, obtaining three final categories: transformation of the symbolic pain of death; benefits in the physical aspect of patients; benefits in the psychological aspect of patients. The Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality intervention offers comprehensive care, being beneficial for cancer patients, even in association with conventional treatments.

Palabras clave : relaxation; mental images; spirituality; cancer..

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