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vol.56 número1Neutralidade na relação terapêutica: reflexões a partir da abordagem gestálticaTrabalho em saúde em tempos de biopoder índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

versión On-line ISSN 1809-5267


BENEVIDES, Pablo Severiano  y  COLACO, Veriana de Fátima Rodrigues. Kant and Piaget: discursive articulation between transcendental philosophy and genetic epistemology. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2004, vol.56, n.1, pp.58-70. ISSN 1809-5267.

This article presents a theoretical discussion which causes problems when considering the supposed evidence of contrasts between the thoughts of Kant and Piaget. There is an attempt to extract a common aspect. This aspect is something which is present in both thinkers and which is the base of the discussion here. The discussion will establish a likeness between the two as well as finding evidence of differences between them, regarding the circumscription of their ideas in different planes of knowledge. To the point to which a difference is established between Kant and Piaget by the fact that their theories are placed in distinct planes, one can see that they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. As a result, there is a supposed original activity, placing subject and object in certain condition for knowledge to arise as well as a circumscription, or lack thereof, of the activity of the subject in the dynamic of time. They consist, respectively, in similar aspects and differences between Kant and Piaget

Palabras clave : Original activity; Time; Subject-object.

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