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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

versión On-line ISSN 1809-8908


GUISSO, Luciane  y  GESSER, Marivete. Strategies used by teachers to face challenges in the schooling process of elementary school students. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.1, pp.1-13. ISSN 1809-8908.

This paper aims to understand the main strategies used by teachers to deal with challenges present in the schooling process. The research, based on a qualitative approach, used Vygotsky's Cultural-historical perspective as a theoretical reference, employing participant observation and focus group techniques. Twelve teachers participated in a focus group and were heard in relation to the strategies they used to deal with challenges in the schooling process. The information obtained was analyzed based on the Meaning Cores of Aguiar and Ozella (2006, 2013). Teachers mentioned requesting support from pedagogical teams when they feel they cannot deal with student behavior and learning issues. They used interventions of specialists outside the school context, believing that many of their students do not learn because of cognitive or neurological issues. Little reflection has been identified about the involvement of teachers in the schooling process they perform.

Palabras clave : Teachers; Students; Pedagogical strategies.

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