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 número7Cambios operativos y funcionales en la vivienda rural en zona de expansión demográfica CONACyTClima organizacional: investigação e diagnóstico: estudo de caso em agência de viagens e turismo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


KANAN, Lilia Aparecida  y  AZEVEDO, Beatriz M. de. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2006, n.7. ISSN 1870-350X.

The objective of this article is to demonstrate the necessity of changes in the formation of the organizational psychologist, therefore the current demands of the global community, in constant movement, demands, each time more, a systemic understanding of the organizations and of the human behavior in the working context. It's expected that the psychologist acts, in fact, as an agent of changes, who participates of the planning, politics and the strategies in businesses and human resources, giving assessorship to the diverse organizational levels in the direction to collaborate into the alignment of the organizational and individual necessities and to create actions of high leverage, which are able to add, each time mo-re value to the organizations. New abilities and skills are demanded to the organizational psychologist, however, the courses of gradua-tion in psychology, at least in Brazil, are still distant to the appropriate formation of a professional prepared for these new requirements.

Palabras clave : Professional profile; Formation of the organizational psychologist; Abilities and skills to the organizational psychologist.

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