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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


SIMOES, Regina Barbosa Fernandes. As vicissitudes do amor: narcisismo e sublimação. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2007, n.9. ISSN 1870-350X.

We have a habit of thinking that the word sublimation has a noble significance, in order to elevate its aesthetic sense in the field of the fine arts. Freud adopted the term to explain the phenomenon of the human being creation and in his works, as well as in some psychoanalytic theories, the concept of sublimation consists of a great number of meanings. Moreover, this research focuses on revealing sublimation as one of the ways to instinct, which explores the empty place of the subject of enunciation, substituting sexual object and objectives for non-sexual ones, socially bonding and functioning as supplement to not diminish the subject in the combat against the instinct to a dominant death. We also discuss the concept of narcissism, the libido phenomenon, a theoretical and clinical idea that occupies an essential place in the theory of the sexual development of human being, and aids in the description of the sublimation mechanism.

Palabras clave : Creation; Libido; Instinct; Sublimation.

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