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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


CALVINO, Manuel. Psicología e invisibilidad. El no "extraño" caso de los públicos y las audiencias invisibles. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2010, n.20. ISSN 1870-350X.

In the current article the author analyses the issue of the invisibility of publics and audiences with regard to two basic aspects: 1. a deficit in the instruments that they allow doing visible the invisible thing. Then the issue is in the order of the methodological problem; 2. a deficit in the pertinence same of the visibility. And then the issue is in the order of epistemology. In other words, or is "not "seen" because it does not be how to see it. Or "is not seen" because its visibility is not presupposed in the paradigm of reference. Is summed also to a freed sustained proposal in the share, the joint construction. The, autor propose to go from an epistemology of the unilateralidad, to an epistemology of the multiplicity.

Palabras clave : Epistemology; audiences; mass media.

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