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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


TOSI, Lucas David  y  TOSI, Jeremías David. Scholasticism: Fundamental problem of psychology today?. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2014, n.26, pp.63-86. ISSN 1870-350X.

The problems of contemporary psychology have been built on the basis of concrete historical and social conditions that produced different and uncommunicated theoretical systems. Those that belong to this two-faced discipline, explain this situation through the notion of scholasticism, an imprecise concept that justifies and expresses the lack of dialogue between dissimilar psychological systems. It is proposed to clarify the concept of scholasticism in the current context of psychological knowledge, and differentiate it from other epistemological proposals (e.g. unification and pluralism). Also, its influence is analyzed in three problematic dimensions of the discipline: historical, theoretical and methodological. The conclusion is that scholasticism brings negative connotations for the development of psychology, because of a monological communication style, opposed to dialogic reason as the engine of scientific progress. It is essential to discuss the scholastical conditions of Psychology, since that will determine the overcoming of dogmatism and scholastic corporatism.

Palabras clave : problems of the psychology; scholasticism; monological communication style; dogmatism.

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