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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


CHIARELLI, Marta; FARINA, Marcela; PORRACIN, Fabiana  y  GIUDICI, Claudio. Oppressive macrosystems, severe pathologies. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2017, n.28, pp.36-54. ISSN 1870-350X.

Considering the social as determinant in the psyche, we observe correlations between dictatorial or "democratic" governments and recurrent pathologies that severely affect subjectivity. Pathologizing families that reproduce characteristics of oppressive macro-institutions mold, from birth, psychopathic and / or complementary submission Sense of Life . When oppressive contents coexist internally with impulses to freedom, both poles collide generating severe psychopathologies: severe symptoms disable the patient especially at times and conditions of exogamy. Medicalization, labels, social isolation and depersonalized assistance complement the alienation of the patient. Our compass is to cure pointing basically to autonomy and independence. From a systemic, integrating and dialectical paradigm, we mediate in the cognitive, affective, volitional and behavioral totality. Complementing deep focal techniques, which address both the symptoms and their causes. We aim to promote personal, family and social changes. We propose belonging and therapeutic groups and spaces.

Palabras clave : Family; psychopathy; psychopathology; integrative psychotherapy.

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