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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


SCHERER, Edson Arthur; ESTEFANINI, Jaqueline Rodirgues; CAVALIN, Luciana Aparecida  y  SCHERER, Zeyne Alves Pires. Psychological violence experienced by high school students. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2017, n.29, pp.160-173. ISSN 1870-350X.

Objective: to investigate the exposure of high school students of a public institution to psychological violence, to identify the perpetrators, the place of occurrence, and the sociodemographic characteristics of this population. Method: descriptive cross-sectional study with the participation of 218 high school students integrated into the technical course. A sociodemographic characterization questionnaire and the Psychological Violence Scale were used to collect the data that occurred in 2013 at the teaching institution, in the day and at the scheduled time. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: The study showed that 96.3% of the adolescents suffered psychological violence. Of these, 94.5% were exposed to violence in their mild and moderate form, 1.8% were severe, and 3.7% did not experience violence. Situations of violence occurred in the family and school context. The most frequent perpetrators were fathers, mothers, siblings, classmates, friends and teachers. There were no significant associations for the sociodemographic variables studied and psychological violence. Conclusion:The mild and moderate exposure to psychological violence are experiences present in the relationships of the majority of adolescents with significant people. In order to address this and other types of violence, intersectoral actions involving school, family and community involvement, as well as an interdisciplinary team, are essential.

Palabras clave : Adolescent; adolescent behavior; child abuse; violence; psychological violence.

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