Servicios Personalizados
Psicologia para América Latina
versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X
FARIAS, Eliana Santos de; NAKANO, Tatiana de Cássia; BONFA-ARAUJO, Bruno y WECHSLER, Solange Muglia. Styles of thinking and creating in undergraduates of the management area. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2020, n.34, pp.99-111. ISSN 1870-350X.
Thinking and creating styles are defined as preferred ways of creative expression and involve the intersection between cognitive skills and personality characteristics, within a larger context, the environment. The objective was to investigate such styles in a composite sample (M = 24.55, SD = 5.73) of students of the 2nd semester of the Administration technologist course, with emphasis on the area of people management, who responded to the Styles of Thinking and Creating (EEPC). The results were consonants with the literature by showing differences only in relation to the gender variable, in which the Logical-Objective style was shown to be influenced by this variable, in favor of women. Age did not influence any of the styles.
Palabras clave : Psychological assessment; Creativity; College students.