Servicios Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte
versión On-line ISSN 1981-9145
SILVA, Fábio Silvestre da y RUBIO, Katia. A new way to play in measures: the futebol libertário. Rev. bras. psicol. esporte [online]. 2008, vol.2, n.2, pp.1-18. ISSN 1981-9145.
In this Qualitative Action Research investigated the potential educative use of sports, specifically the soccer, with non-formal education used as a mean of construction and practice of active citizenship through alternative direct attention to adolescents placed into socio-educational measures in freedom who had committed a felony. The results demonstrate that this innovative proposal can create a positive environment for the personal integration process, starting by acknowledging self-dignity, auto-esteem, body conscience, communication, responsibility, autonomy and exercise of the citizenship. The releasing essence was marked then by the possibility of the adolescents having new life experiences. It was stated that the applied methodology took into consideration the diversity but it doesnt summarize and gives different results for different adolescents when added up their individual stories. The majority of adolescents received the release for society contact without the restriction previously imposed.
Palabras clave : Education for the sports; CEDECA Interlagos.