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vol.11 número2Consultório na Rua: percepção de profissionais e usuários sobre redução de danosDiálogos sobre sexualidade na escola:: uma intervenção possível índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia em Pesquisa

versión On-line ISSN 1982-1247


BATISTA, Monique Cristina Henares  y  ZAMBENEDETTI, Gustavo. A research-intervention about the prevention of STI/HIV with lesbian and bisexual women.. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2017, vol.11, n.2, pp.42-50. ISSN 1982-1247.

This research aimed to discuss preventing strategies of STI/HIV and provide a participatory group process among lesbians and bisexuals women. The research-intervention was used, following analytical-institutional framework. Five participants (two lesbians and three bisexuals) were selected, with whom three focal groups were performed. The participants’ prevention experiences were prescriptive, biomedical and heteronormative. It was reported a lack of preparation of health professionals to attend this population, contributing to their unfeasibility and vulnerability. As effects of the intervention of research, there was sensitization of the participants in relation to the theme and their displacement from an individual/private experience to a collective plan. A folder was created, aiming to constitute as a way to give visibility and insert the lesbian and bisexual experiences in the course of history.

Palabras clave : vulnerability; prevention; IST; Lesbians; Bisexuals.

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