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Revista do NUFEN

versión On-line ISSN 2175-2591


OLIVEIRA, Thayane Cristine Amaral  y  BORBA, Jean Marlos Pinheiro. Contributions of husserlian Phenomenology for Clinical Psychology. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.3, pp.154-169. ISSN 2175-2591.º03ensaio52.

The article intends to present some contributions of the foundations of Husserlian phenomenology for Clinical Psychology. Through a coherent critique of the relevance of the passage from a natural attitude to a phenomenological attitude, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) constructed a rigorous method capable of being used by Philosophy, Psychology and other sciences in a struggle against the naturalization of life and conscience. Phenomenology was the alternative found to present the foundations of non-naturalistic scientific doing, through the rescue of the intentional and intersubjective link between man and the Lebenswelt (world-of understanding the lived phenomena, in a return to the things themselves. This article, through the qualitative approach of research and the phenomenological method and attitude, reaffirmed how the Husserlian proposal assists Clinical Psychology. The discussion articulates some notions found in the Husserlian work and commentators that favor the scientific production on the subject in focus. We perceive that the concept of Clinical Psychology runs through an evolution and reconstruction of meanings over time and, in this sense, the Phenomenology in rescuing fundamental elements directed to the understanding of human subjectivity proved to be a valuable theoretical and methodological support for a clinical action of the psychologist . The Phenomenology is the basis for Clinical Psychology of phenomenological orientation, always starting from attentive listening, without a priori, of the direct and immediate understanding of what is experienced by man in the world-of-life.

Palabras clave : Clinical; Phenomenology; Psychology.

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