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vol.12 número2El proceso de socialización y el papel actual del psicoanalista como pareja de la familia y de la escuelaPintura, escrita e loucura: necessidade de arte, arte da necessidade índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares

versión On-line ISSN 2176-4891


OZORIO, Lúcia. The oral stories of commn life in the cultural and political diaspora of Mother Africa at Mangueira. Trivium [online]. 2020, vol.12, n.2, pp.86-96. ISSN 2176-4891.

We discusse the peripheral issues specifically about the migration process that has an important ally in culture: the samba. To intensify this process, we use the oral life stories in common as a research device that gives us access to the surprising stories of the residents of the favela of Mangueira, a poor community in Rio de Janeiro, which narrate the cultural and political diaspora of Mother Africa in Brazil. We chose a story: one that gives us access to a memory from which new subjectivities arise that cry out for new meanings in this world. It is an act of criticism of the silence imposed on the peripheries. he past is for combat, in the present. This ontological and political production of memory causes tensions when it intervenes in a hijacked and overcoded memory of Mother Africa's struggles in the world. These tensions allow the emergence of revolutionary powers of immemorial affections that cry out for experiences of liberation.

Palabras clave : Peripheral issues; Migratory process; Culture; Oral life stories in common.

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