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Revista EPOS

versión On-line ISSN 2178-700X


SILVA, Anderson Moraes de Castro e  y  ANJOS, Verônica dos. Barra (para) bacana: a criminalização da pobreza na gestão da segurança pública carioca. Rev. Epos [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.1. ISSN 2178-700X.

We aim at analyzing the speeches and government practices which legitimate the police clean - up operation in the carioca urban space. This Clean - up means which reflects the designs proposed by the Pereira Passos City administration which advocated the hygienics of public areas - supported on the Biopower introjection. Otherwise, we advocate the concept by which these operations are rooted in the so - called "zero tolerance" (Zona Sul Legal, Copabacana, Ipabacana, Barrabacana, etc.), altogether, they criminalize poverty and update the myth of dangerous classes as well as stress the state enforcement power. Finally, we question the false causal relation beneath street vendors, transvesties and prostitutes, criminality and drug dealers.

Palabras clave : Penal State; Poverty Criminalization; Zero Tolerance.

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