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vol.3 número5De la atuación de los psicólogos orientados por la psicoanálise a la relación transferencial en las medidas socioeducativas: consideraciones para unirse a la prácticaPerspectivas sobre lacaniana escritura: "la significación del falo" índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versión On-line ISSN 2316-5197


POZZATO, Vanessa Gama  y  VORCARO, Angela Maria Resende. Approximations and distinctions between autisms and infantile psychosis: conditions to the alienation to language. Analytica [online]. 2014, vol.3, n.5, pp.137-156. ISSN 2316-5197.

This article proposes a better understanding of the clinical diversity often named as psychosis and, at times, as autism, punctuating some approximations and distinctions between the two categories. In order to do so, we will make use of the Lacanian notion of alienation, which is referred to an operation that is constitutive of the subject. In addition, we will review the theoretical elaborations of many psychoanalysts who deal with psychopathologies from this standpoint. We will conclude by reasserting the importance of distinguishing autisms and psychosis in treatment's direction.

Palabras clave : Psychoanalysis; psychosis; autisms; treatment.

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