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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versión On-line ISSN 2316-5197


RODRIGUES, Juliana Martins  y  PEIXOTO JUNIOR, Carlos Augusto. About the notion of health deriving from the theory of the emocional maturation of Donald Winnicott. Analytica [online]. 2017, vol.6, n.11, pp.7-33. ISSN 2316-5197.

In the course of this article we intend to address the theme of health in the context of the theory of the psychoanalyst and British pediatric Donald Woods Winnicott(1896-1971),based on the assumption that his conceptualization on this topic is placed in a different line from that sustained by the more traditional psychoanalytic thinking. In the context of his theory, states of health are understood as what brings us into contact with our true self and gives us the capacity for singular and creative expression. For the British psychoanalyst, the theme of health is beyond the theme of normality, it is an issue that must be rethought at ball times in its complexity. In addressing the genesis of health states in the Winnicottian work, it is understood that this is a state linked to the process of human maturation and that it involves moments not necessarily adapted, since the possibility of becoming ill is seen as a part of life. The path that we will make through Winnicott's theory seeks to demonstrate the way in which his thought brings new theorical contributions for the exploration of the most diverse forms of therapeutic approach requested by current clinical practice.

Palabras clave : Environment; Maturation; Health; Disease; Creativity.

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