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vol.14 número1¿De que Sustancia es Hecho el Amor?: La construcción conyugal en Guimarães RosaEl trabajo de reciclaje de desechos en cooperativas: aspectos sociales y ambientales de acuerdo a la óptica de sus miembros índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Subjetividades

versión impresa ISSN 2359-0769versión On-line ISSN 2359-0777


SILVA, Pedro Fernando da; GONCALVES JUNIOR, Gil  y  SANTA-ROSA, Ednilton José. Pseudo formation and violence: impacts of the direct socialization in the personality constitution. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.1, pp.29-41. ISSN 2359-0769.

This main objective of this article is to discuss the relationship between pseudo formation and violence. It address, mainly, the deterioration of the existing mediation between subject and society, nowadays, characterized by a direct socialization. It argues that direct socialization has the role of pseudo formation mainstay, supporting the fixation of role models divulged by the cultural industry and many extra-familiar agencies, thus potentiating social determination and suppressing the formative experiences, which are necessary to the development of autonomy. It analyzes how this psychosocial process interferes with the formation of people that are, simultaneously, against the authority of traditional formative institutions, like family and school, and subservient to the authoritarism of leaders forged by the psycho-dynamics of mass and groups. In this process, external issues encompass both, the individuality of the self and the moral self-observance, which are frequently promoted by the superego instance. The low capacity of the family and the school to mediate significantly the personality constitution legitimates the internalization of stereotyped role models: the constitution of the self by the internalization of the heteronomical standards is but one part of the violent process of social adaptation, which leads to barbarism. Adjusted to this administrated society, people are deprived of a self minimally differentiated and they become, at the same time, victims of the social violence and tormentors of other people. Because they are not able to constitute themselves as self-determined individuals, they surrender to reification and adhere, with no resistance, to irrational ideologies and to its popular contemporaneous substitutes, which are perceived as contact points between themselves and their unsatisfied psychological needs. Therefore, mass psychology prevails over individual psychology, in such a way that the deformed individuality turns into brutal individualism: incapable of thinking about their pressing needs, these stereotyped men find in mass psycho-dynamics the ideal conditions to release the destructiveness which they have developed as a pre-condition to adjust to the barbarism socially disseminated.

Palabras clave : violence; pseudo-formation; individuals; personality; critical theory.

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