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vol.15 número1Psicoanálisis y construcción del caso clínico: consideraciones sobre un dispositivo terapéuticoEl rs en el aula como un impulso creativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Subjetividades

versión impresa ISSN 2359-0769versión On-line ISSN 2359-0777


LOBATO, Christiane Batista de Paulo  y  BRITO, Mozar José de. Procedural narratives about violence in banking work: a social constructionist approach. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.1, pp.84-94. ISSN 2359-0769.

The objective of this article is to analyze how different actors involved in a Labor JudicialProcess, which took place at a Labor Justice Court interpret meanings attributed to violence at work. The social constructionist theoretical-methodological approach was chosenin order to reach this objective, and the objects of analysis were the processual narratives recorded during the labor judicial process in focus. For the purposes of this study, the actors of the process were the worker (the complainant, fictitiously named Maria) and her defense attorney; the judge; and the lawyer who represented the interests of the Bank H, considered the claimed in the process. The protocol for analyzing the narratives contained in the judicial process followed the subsequentmethodological route: (1) a short description of the specifics of the labor judicialprocess, highlighting the complainant experiences of violence; (2) the selection of extracts from the narratives that expressed the "voices " and interpretations of the actors involved in the judicialprocess about the violence depictedin the process; and (3)the grouping of narrative extracts recorded in the judicialprocess into three categories that contained the discursive production of the three different actors, i.e. Prosecution, Defense and Judge. Finally, different subcategories were devised in order to reveal the violence meanings from the perspective of the aforementioned actors. The retelling and analysis of the discourse practices recorded during the judicial process showed that Maria experienced many everyday events, recognized by the labor justice court as acts of violence,during more than seven years of work in the bank organization. The analysis of the discoursepractices recorded in the judicial process in focus also showthat the discourse practices revealed that the violence experienced by Maria were interpreted differently by the different actors involved. The interpretation and understanding of these different meanings indicate that, depending on the interests and the subjectivation process in play, violence can be naturalized, trivialized,rejected, and even admitted in work.

Palabras clave : violence; bank work; suffering at work; social constructionism; narrative analysis.

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