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vol.57 número127A utilização da terapia do sandplay no tratamento de crianças com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivoLaboratório de estudos da personalidade: é possível um “labor-oratório” numa universidade em pleno século 21? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Boletim de Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 0006-5943


HIRATA, Ricardo Alvarenga. The soul river: Reflections about the paulistano’s cultural complex archetypical ecology. Bol. psicol [online]. 2007, vol.57, n.127, pp.165-182. ISSN 0006-5943.

The aim of this work is to examine the current ecological crisis under the perspective of Analytical Psychology. We believe that one of the pillars of this crisis rests in the own relationship, psychological and spiritual, between São Paulo’s inhabitants and the Tietê river. Analysing the imaginary linked to the river since the XVI th century to the present, as well as the river and the water’s symbolism, we identified a psychic conflict that has created a scission between nature versus civilization. Finally, we conclude that the ecological problem in the Tietê river is a symptom of a cultural complex, present and active in the collective psyche of São Paulo’s inhabitants.

Palabras clave : Ecological crisis; Analytical Psychology; Tietê river; Symbolism; Archetypal ecology.

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