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Boletim de Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 0006-5943


AFFONSO, Rosa Maria Lopes  y  FARIA, Anne Prado de. Brief adult psychoterapy evaluation: the Thematic Apperception Test contribution. Bol. psicol [online]. 2015, vol.65, n.143, pp.211-228. ISSN 0006-5943.

The article's objective was to analyse the development of an adult clinical case, using the brief psychodynamic psychotherapy technique by applying the Thematic Apperception Test - T.A.T. This clinical case is about a 47 years old woman that was referred by her doctor due to her symptoms such as insomnia and several phobias, diagnosed temporarily as panic disorder. The method consisted in applying a T.A.T. projective test, in the beginning and at the end of treatment, after 40 psychotherapy sessions. The analysis of client's therapeutic development was performed by comparing the results of the two T.A.T. administrations. Based on the T.A.T results, it was possible to observe that the client had extended her perception, decreasing variation in sense-perception; improving her speech qualitatively, ameliorating her symbolic conflict representation and a possible resolution of them. The conclusion about the procedure performed is that it favors the comparative analysis of mental functions before and after the client's psychotherapeutic process

Palabras clave : Brief psychotherapy evaluation; T.A T; psychotherapeutic evolution evaluation; Clinical Psychology.

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