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vol.51 número4Ahora yo era el rey: el anacronismo temporal del niñoComposiciones familiares y filiación en la contemporaneidad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0486-641X


RIBEIRO, Astrid Müller et al. The importance of the father in the constitution of subjectivity: from Freud to Winnicott, towards the challenges of modern family configurations. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2017, vol.51, n.4, pp.143-158. ISSN 0486-641X.

The authors review the role of the father in the constitution of subjectivity. According to their understanding, psychoanalytic contributions to this subject have been characterized by the historical and sociocultural context. Freud stated that the father's importance was established in the Oedipus Complex. After a brief overview of Freud's ideas, this paper particularly focuses on Winnicott's considerations about paternity. These studies are lesser-known than his thinking about the relationship between mother and baby. Besides the Oedipal father whose function is to divide the mother-baby dyad, Winnicott emphasizes the presence of the pre-Oedipal father who plays a role that supports this pair. In this paper, the authors also analyze the paternal function in the context of Winnicott's concept of "the use of an object". Examples from his clinical practice are used to illustrate. Finally, the authors discuss the validity of these psychoanalytic theses and the importance of their renewal, given that the configuration of contemporary families has deeply changed.

Palabras clave : constitution of subjectivity; parental function; third function; the use of an object; transitionality.

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