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vol.10 número1Atividades lúdicas, gênero e vida adultaTrabalho doméstico de adolescentes e reprodução das desiguais relações de gênero índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1413-8271


BRANDENBURG, Olivia Justen  y  WEBER, Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj. Self-knowledge and liberty in radical behaviorism. PsicoUSF [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.1, pp.87-92. ISSN 1413-8271.

The present article corresponds to a theoretical study on the concept of self-knowledge and freedom in radical behaviorism, with the objective to argue the relation between these concepts. After discussing the definition of self-knowledge and its social origin, Skinner's vision of freedom is approached. The existence of freedom depends on the self-knowledge, and this is the linking between the two terms. The conclusion is that nobody can free of this control, but with self-knowledge, it's possible to modify the environment and change coercive controls for positive reinforcement and thus, achieve a better quality of life.

Palabras clave : Self-knowledge; Freedom; Radical behaviorism.

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