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Boletim de Psicologia

 ISSN 0006-5943

CRUZ, Vivian Lazzarotto Pereira da; TONI, Plínio Marco de    OLIVEIRA, Daiani Martinho de. The executive functions in Rey Complex Figure: Correlation between planning and memory at phases of test. []. , 61, 134, pp.17-30. ISSN 0006-5943.

The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test is a classical neuropsychological test widely used in several countries. However, there are little researches with Rey Figure and executive functions in Brazil. The aim of this research was to carry out a validation study of the Rey Figure for planning, as well as to investigate the influence of planning on visual memory. The sample consisted of 149 students of both genders (54.9% female), aged between 9 and 16 (M=12.5 years; SD=2.45 years), from public (58.4%) and private schools in the city of Curitiba. Results indicated a positive correlation between the copy and the memory reproduction stages of the Rey Figure (r=0.49; p<0.001), suggesting a correlation between planning of the copy and memory performance. The subgroups composed by individuals with adequate and insufficient planning in the copy of the Rey Figure presented significantly different scores in the memory reproduction (t=3.15; gl=147; p=0.002), with higher scores for the subgroup that demonstrated a good planning at the copy stage.

: Rey Complexe Figure; Prefrontal lobe; Planning; Working memory.

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