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Tempo psicanalitico

 ISSN 0101-4838 ISSN 2316-6576

DRAWIN, Carlos Roberto et al. Psychoanalytic considerations about risk in adolescence: relations between pascal's bet and "diabolical figures" in literature. []. , 54, 1, pp.110-133. ISSN 0101-4838.

This article presents a discussion on the Lacanian reading of Pascal's Bet and on the dimension of desire, highlighting the risk behaviors of adolescence and, especially, what is often placed under the name of a diabolic temptation. In this path, an approximation between psychoanalysis and literature was sought using texts whose characters give their souls in diabolical pacts, such as the works The Devil in Love, by Cazotte (1772), Faust, by Goethe (1790-1832), The Mandarin (1880), by Eça de Queiroz, Grande Sertão Veredas (1956), by Guimarães Rosa and Demons  (1871), by Dostoiesvski. In order to point out how desire can be articulated through unconscious temptations, we approach the logic of diabolic figures, and, through the adolescents' narratives, we establish their possible relationship with impossible mourning, the recurrence of boredom, the price of wealth, the manly statement and the disposition of the revolt.

: Psychoanalysis; Adolescence; Literature; Risk; Diabolic Pact.

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