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Psicologia Clínica

 ISSN 0103-5665 ISSN 1980-5438

LEITE, Vanessa. The adolescent sexuality from the perspective of policymakers: reflecting the ideology of adolescents as subjects of rights. []. , 24, 1, pp.89-103. ISSN 0103-5665.

This article aims to discuss the possibility of sexuality affirmation as an adolescents' right, exploring the way by which different perspectives towards adolescent sexuality articulate themselves in the discourse and acting of the actors involved in the assurance field of children and adolescents. The construction of the sexual rights ideology and the paradigm of children and adolescents as subjects of rights, brought by the shift in the Brazilian legal landmark with the promulgation of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) serve as a basis for a debate concerning the possibility of adolescents being holders of sexual rights. The work intends to contribute to a more general reflection about how much adolescent sexuality calls into question both the ideology of adolescents as subjects of rights and the universalism process of the so-called sexual rights.

: sexuality; adolescence; sexual rights.

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