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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

 ISSN 1415-711X

PECANHA, Dóris Lieth. Pedro Alcántara Marcondes Machado, HaimGrünspun, César Ades and the defense of Life: taking office speech at the Sao Paulo Academy of Psychology. []. , 34, 86, pp.49-62. ISSN 1415-711X.

This article presents the taking office speech of Prof. Dr. Doris Lieth Nunes Peçanha at the Sao Paulo Academy of Psychology, occupying the Chair #19, left by her predecessor, Prof. Dr. Cesar Ades. In the text the author exposes her greetings, thanks, and honors the Patron of the Chair, Pedro de Alcântara Marcondes Machado, and the academics Haim Grünspun and César Ades, highlighting the constant defense of life in their works, the value with which they identify. Reflecting on Psychology, she states that it is projected by welcoming and reverencing, in the present, the lessons of the past, generously left by the predecessors. The Academic discusses its position in relation to the psychological science and the Sao Paulo Academy of Psychology. She says she believes in the interdisciplinary future of Psychology, transcending narrow dichotomies that divide and separate subjects, knowledge and powers. She advocates a critical Psychology that, whatever the field of expertise or knowledge production, is "liberating". Finally, after addressing the issue of paradigms in science, she emphasizes the importance of a genuine "thinking" which implies a revolution in the structures of thought.

: Academy; César Ades; complex thought; aesthetics.

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