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Psicologia: teoria e prática

 ISSN 1516-3687

SALGUEIRO, José Estevam. Male homosexuality: behavior, orientation and identity. []. , 18, 1, pp.60-74. ISSN 1516-3687.

This research deals with the male homosexuality as seen from the aspects behavior, orientation and identity, showing that these aspects are not necessarily altogether present in all manifestations of the male homosexuality. Hence, as hypothesis, this work considers it to be possible to find human situations where: at least one of the partners is not homosexual oriented; the actors involved not always will recognize themselves as homosexuals; and the presence of a homosexual orientation does not result in a homosexual behavior. Even when one of these three dimensions is not present in the occurrence, it might be considered an authentic homosexual manifestation. This research uses as field data, narratives of men taken at a psychology clinic and the texts O beijo no asfalto, of Nelson Rodrigues, and Kiss of the spider woman, of Manuel Puig. This research sought a better understanding of these phenomena and also contribute to overcoming, through understanding the mechanisms of prejudices.

: prejudices; male homosexuality; sexual orientation; behavior; identity.

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