Revista de Etologia
ISSN 1517-2805
MEDEIROS SILVA, Glória Maria de; VERISSIMO, Katianne Cristina da Silva BORSTELMANN DE OLIVEIRA, Maria Adélia. Daily budget of two Callithrix jachus in an urban area. []. , 10, 2, pp.57-63. ISSN 1517-2805.
Two groups of marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, were monitored, between 2001 and 2002 on the campus of UFRPE in Recife, in order to identify the daily budget of behavioral activities in an urban environment. The groups, called Economins and Zoologins were systematically sampled by the scanning method at intervals of five minutes. The group Economins, composed of three individuals, presented the following distributions of behavioral categories: locomotion, 28.0% resting, 24.1%; foraging, 13.3%, feeding, 3.9%, others 30.8%. The group Zoologins, composed of seven individuals, distributed its activity in the following proportions: locomotion, 48.6%; foraging, 11.7%; rest, 7.0%, food, 2.0% and others 30.6%. Some of these differences can be explained by the high number of young individuals in Zoologins, and others, for environmental and social factors. Confirming the high level of sociability of the species, the two groups spent large proportions of their time of activity in the 'other' category, which included social behaviors.
: Primates; Callitrichinae; urban area; budget activity; composition of groups.