Revista de Etologia
ISSN 1517-2805
OLIVEIRA, Helon Simões; SOUZA, Dauana Rita de Alcântara SILVA, Maria Nei da. Etograma do Carcará (Caracara Plancus, Miller, 1777) (Aves, Falconidae), em cativeiro. []. , 13, 2, pp.1-9. ISSN 1517-2805.
In this paper an ethogram was produced based on behavioral observations of six southern "caracaras" (Caracara plancus), being four females and two males in captivity. Observations occurred in the Parque dos Falcões, located in Serra de Itabaiana, Rio das Pedras, SE, Brazil. The identification of behaviors was performed using the method ad-libitum, with 12 hours of observation everyday (5h to 17h), totaling 96 hours of sampling effort. Subsequently observations were made by the method animal-focal, to record the frequency and duration of behaviors, resulting in a total sampling effort of 70 hours. During the research were observed and described 25 behavioral states grouped in five categories, which received detailed description with schematization, being the rest behaviors the most significant ones.
: Behaviors; Caracara Plancus; captivity; ethogram; southern caracara.