Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
ISSN 1518-6148 ISSN 2175-3644
CAVALCANTE, Sylvia FRANCO, Márcio Flavio Amorim. Profissão perigo: percepção de risco à saúde entre os catadores do Lixão do Jangurussu. []. , 7, 1, pp.211-231. ISSN 1518-6148.
This study describes the work difficulties lived by a group of garbage pickers at a non-treated garbage depository situated in the city of Fortaleza, according to these individuals' own point of view. It correlates the environment of the pickers with the risk factors and to the health damage related to this type of occupation. Based on an open observation of the activity as well as on non-structured interviews, the results show a hazardous and unhealthy activity, although many times it constitutes the only source of income to a large number of people. The data revealed yet that garbage pickers use defensive strategies in order to minimize and shield them from the risks present on the environment of the garbage-picking, so they can continue their everyday work activities.
: garbage pickers; risk perception; occupational environment; work conditions; community health.