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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

 ISSN 1518-6148 ISSN 2175-3644

DIEZ GUTIERREZ, Enrique Javier; CANO GONZALEZ, Rufino    VALLE FLOREZ, Rosa Eva. La cultura sexista y la violencia en los videojuegos. []. , 8, 1, pp.13-32. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article is the result of an investigation developed throughout the years 2003-2004 by León's Universities and Valladolid (both of Spain), on the contents and values promoted by the videogames of major commercial success between(among) the teenagers and young men(women). The methodology of used investigation has been of quantitative, non experimental cut and by means of descriptive survey. The tools that we have used in this investigation shape a wide baggage of instruments of evaluation, where the questionnaires (5000 distributed by all Spain), the studies of case (22 with 44 participants), the interviews (60), the groups of discussion (13), the observations of field (20), the graphical analysis of the magazines in the first line of market (the 14 sold magazines more during years 2002, 2003 and 2004), the analysis videográfico of the most sold video games (the 250 sold video games more), us have contributed all the information that, to priori, we were claiming, with a great wealth of details. The principal conclusion to which we have come in our investigation is that all the analyzed video games that, in turn, our teenagers and young men (women) use (young people between the 7 and 23 years), tend to promote a sexist culture that we can name as "culture of the macho", and a great worship to the violence of all kinds.

: videogames; sexist culture; violence; racism; media.

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