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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

 ISSN 1518-6148

CASSANDRE, Marcio Pascoal. Health of researches in post-graduate courses of public universities: the damage caused by the evaluation process. []. , 11, 2, pp.779-816. ISSN 1518-6148.

The modifications in the forms of production throughout the development of the capitalism influenced the universities to reconsider its academic production. In this context, the academic courses of the universities (strito sensu) were reconfigured according to the rules proposed by the organisms that are connected to the Brazilian academic production. Concepts have been created to demonstrate the performance level of the universities master and doctorate programs and, inside this scene, the professors are responsible for the necessary intellectual production in order to fulfill the purpose of superior education, as well as for the level maintenance and increase of programs they belong to. The professionals are under constant pressure, as a way to comply with the rules imposed by the evaluation methods. This can be deleterious to the physical and psychic equilibrium of these professionals, who need always to provide excellent results. Given this, 286 professors of academic courses (stricto sensu) of Parana's universities have been researched in relation to theirs physical and mental health in the current circumstance of the universities. The statistical tests ANOVA and Spearman enabled an analysis of 22 constituent elements of the categories: Physical and Mental Health, Satisfaction, Work and Beliefs, in comparison with their academic areas and the level of their courses. The results pointed out a significative insatisfaction among professors of certain academic areas in relation to their physical and mental health and more satisfaction among professors pertaining to the programs with higher CAPES concepts. The results were discussed based on the Critical Theory of the organizational studies and they could be related to situations in which workers' physical and mental health are linked to the way work organizations are managed.

: Physical health; mental health; academic professors; academic production; professor performance.

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