Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais
ISSN 1809-8908
BARBOSA, Orlando Coelho CASTANHO, Marisa Irene Siqueira. Museum educators: the production of senses about an experience outside the walls. []. , 11, 2, pp.369-387. ISSN 1809-8908.
This article aims to present the production of senses of educators about a museum education program offered to street dwellers. Three educators with different levels of involvement with the investigated educational actions participated. It was used as instruments a socioeconomic information questionnaire and a semi-structured individual interview script. The analysis process followed the proposal of organization of pre-indicators, and indicators and significance nucleus, from the comments and expressions of the interviewed individuals. Approximations to subjective senses were apprehended, such as promoting emancipation of subjects, educators and students through actions permeated by technique, but also for the affection, and the creation of mechanisms for participation of the attended ones. The educational action can be considered an alternative to overcome the condition of homelessness, demystification of prejudices and prospects of opening discussion on public policies attentive to this people.
: Street dwellers; Social exclusion; Non-formal education; Museum; Subjectivity.