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Psicologia para América Latina

 ISSN 1870-350X

DEL MORAL, Juan Manuel. Voluntad de poder y valores morales en la psicología de Nietzsche. []. , 8. ISSN 1870-350X.

The object of this essay is to present and show the importance of the concept of psychology that Nietzsche’s thought. The first task that Nietzsche attributes to this science is the explanation of the genesis and formation of moral values. It is up to psychology, conceived in the particular sense that Nietzsche assigns the term, to prepare the groundwork for the interpretation of Western cultural history based on the genealogical explanation of values, that is, an exercise in hermeneutics whose object is the description of the origin and the evolution of moral sentiments: how they arise, what their origin is, how they are constituted, how sentiments such as compassion, abnegation or resignation, for example, have come to be interpreted as valuable in themselves. The purpose of psychology, understood as a morphology and a theory of the will to power, as Nietzsche states, is to expose the changes in interpretation by shich the constitution of values goes through, and to show the falsity of the belief in good human actions in themselves, as well as the erroneous supposition that ethical judgments rest on truths. Psychology is an interpretive technique, a demythification, an unmasking whose destructive task is indispensable in order to establish new values. In short, psychology is the path that leads to the approach to fundamental problems: the devaluation of supreme values, the manifestation of nihilism and the knowledge that lays the foundations of its overcoming, the theory of transvaluation and the overman.

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