Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia
ISSN 2236-6407
GASCON, Maria Rita Polo et al. Avaliação psicológica de crianças com dermatite atópica por meio do teste das fábulas de Düss. []. , 3, 2, pp.182-195. ISSN 2236-6407.
The Atopic Dermatitis is a skin inflammatory disease, chronic and recurrent, characterized by intense itching and skin lesions with typical distribution. Besides the hereditary character, this disease can be influenced by environmental and psychological factors. The objective of this study was to discuss the use of the Fable of Duss test as a projective and psychodiagnostic instrument for children with AD, in order to understand the psychodinamic aspects. We evaluated 33 patients with atopic dermatitis on regular attendance at the Allergic Clinic of Dermatology Department of University Hospital, between 5 and 10 years of both sexes. Based on the results, it was possible to verify that the Fable of Duss test technique for expression emotional conflicts and discovery of the psychic functioning of these patients.
: atopic dermatitis; projective techniques; Düss test.