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vol.9 número16O lugar da literatura na constituição da clínica psicanalítica em FreudDa passagem ao ato à transferência: duas soluções em um caso de psicose índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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POLI, Maria Cristina. Alienation in the psychoanalysis: the prehistory of a concept. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2005, vol.9, n.16, pp.133-152. ISSN 1415-1138.

The inclusion of the concept of “alienation” in the psychoanalytical vocabulary, following Lacan’s legacy, has important theoretical and clinical consequences. It allows that the psychoanalysis advances in the direction of the promotion of the bond in its practical extension and intension, as well as in the understanding of the original structure of the ego. A dedicated study to the subject of the “alienation” in the psychoanalysis has to encourage an encounter with the origins of the term in the culture and its influence in the works of Lacan and Freud. This article looks through the works of Rousseau, Pinel, Hegel and Marx to establish the semantic bases of the concept. Lacan has already, in 1946, referred to these authors while advancing a critical position in regard to the psychiatric vision of madness.

Palavras-chave : Alienation; Lacan; History; Philosophy; Madness.

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