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vol.7 número1-2O hiato entre conhecimento sobre as vias de transmissão e as práticas de prevenção da AIDS entre estudantes da USP: a atuação das ideologias coletivas de defesa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia USP

versão On-line ISSN 1678-5177


DUARTE, Newton. Vigotski's school of thought and education: some hypothesis to a pedagogical reading of the Historical-Cultural Psychology. Psicol. USP [online]. 1996, vol.7, n.1-2, pp.17-50. ISSN 1678-5177.

This paper presents five hypotheses to a pedagogical reading of the Historical - Cultural Psychology (Vigotski's school): 1) to understand Vigostki and his school of thought it is essencial to study the philosophical Marxist foundations of this psychological school; 2) Vigotski's works have to be studied as part of a whole constituted of the works produced by the Historical-Cultural Psychology; 3) Vigotski's school is neither interactionist nor constructivist; 4) it is necessary to have a conscious relationship of the pedagogical ideas which have been used as means to reading of the School of Vigotski's works that Brazilian educators have made; 5) a "escolanovista" pedagogical reading of the School of Vigotski's works is opposite to the pedagogical principles existing in this psychological school.

Palavras-chave : Vygotsky [Lev Semenovich]; Vygotsky [1896-1934]; Childhood development; School learning; Language; Education.

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