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vol.17 número1Actitudes y comportamiento lector: Una aplicación de la teoría de la conducta planeada en estudiantes de nivel medio superiorDesarrollo de las funciones ejecutivas en niños preescolares: una revisión de algunos de sus factores moduladores índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1729-4827


SALDANA, Gracia Navarro; VILLALOBOS, Cristhian Pérez  e  NAVARRO, María Gracia González. Relationship between emphasis on CSR, hierarchy of values and social orientation in managers and academics in a chilean university. Liberabit [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.1, pp.85-92. ISSN 1729-4827.

This study tries to adapt the model of CSR to the university organization. It describes the importance attributed to the incorporation of CSR to university management and identifies the relationship between this variable and two relevant personal characteristics in managers and academics from the University of Concepción (Chile): Hierarchy of values and social orientation. We surveyed 43 managers and 48 academics with the Emphasis on the RSC Questionnaire, the Schwartz Values Inventory and the Social Guidance Survey of Triandis and Gelfand. The results show high importance assigned to the RSC in university management, high adhesion to value types of universalism, benevolence and autonomy and a high presence of collectivistic social orientations. There is significant positive relationship of attribution of importance to the RSC with the value types of universalism and benevolence and negative relationship with power and vertical individualistic social orientation.

Palavras-chave : Corporate Social Responsibility; Social Orientation; Values.

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