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vol.14 número3A modelagem matemática através de conceitos científicosCompetências e habilidades para pesquisa em alunos de graduação de terapia ocupacional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ciências & Cognição

versão On-line ISSN 1806-5821


JUCA, Sandro César Silveira; CARVALHO, Paulo Cesar Marques de  e  BRITO, Fábio Timbó. SanUSB: educational software development for the microcontrollers technology education. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.3, pp.134-144. ISSN 1806-5821.

Applicatory software can be considered educational when adequately used in a teach-learning relation. On the other hand, a microcontroller is a low cost chip that contains internally peripheral of a dedicated computer as microprocessor, data memory, program memory, input and output pins, as well as USB interface in the most recent models, among others. In intention to optimize the education process and the diffusion of this device, was developed a software in Portuguese for the microcontroller programming through interface USB of any computer. The SanUSB is characterized as applicatory educational software with technological purpose that emphasizes related concepts to the practical application, what contributes for the boarded content assimilation. This educational software was used by pupils during the IV Robotics Competition of the IFCE (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Ceará) and also in the Engineering Category of the Brazilian Fair of Sciences and Engineering (FEBRACE 09) carried in the USP in São Paulo. The pupils, without the necessity of teacher's consultation, had gotten the first places in both competitions. This fact presented satisfactory indicative to the software interaction didactic efficiency. Moreover, the reached ranks had supplied satisfactory indicative to the technological software contribution in the pupils general performance

Palavras-chave : educational applicatory; software; microcontrollers; USB interface.

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