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vol.6 número3Mulheres e violência doméstica: relato de experiência num juizado especializadoSaúde Mental na Infância: cuidado e cotidiano nas políticas públicas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Polis e Psique

versão On-line ISSN 2238-152X


REIS, Alice Vignoli  e  ALVIM, Mônica Botelho. Estrangement in the city: inventing the common in urban fringe zones. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2016, vol.6, n.3, pp.166-186. ISSN 2238-152X.

Our cities are keenly characterized by processes of socio-spatial segregation which divide them into estranged territories, each with its own cultural universe. Such estrangements are often challenging to university extension practices, as well as to other work and research practices which foster contact between different cultural universes. Based on our experience of ‘feeling like a foreigner’ in the Favela da Mangueira during a university extension project associated with the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, we offer a reflection on how urban partitions arise and how we can invent the common in a divided city. We look to make our experiences in the field conversant with the works of authors from different areas, such as phenomenology, political philosophy, history, art and urbanism. Thus, we seek to collaborate with other researchers who direct research-intervention projects, university extension, social movements, NGOs and other types of social organizations working in urban fringe zones.

Palavras-chave : Urban Segregation; Production of the Common; Aesthetics; Politics; Research-Intervention.

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