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vol.11 número1(In)tratávelConstruindo um dispositivo coletivo em oficinas na Saúde Mental índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Polis e Psique

versão On-line ISSN 2238-152X


BARBOSA NETO, Esperidião Barbosa. Text of words and text of bodies (Sambapiece). Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.82-99. ISSN 2238-152X.

Psychology, through psychoanalysis, suggests a dialogue with the art of dance. We think of the body as a psychic instance, stage of the movement whose expression becomes word. In this scenario, meaning is produced and can be resignified; dancers become the plot of what life is like. Our aim is to present a theoretical piece (and description of a practice) articulating the body to dance, whose art is able of resignification of traumatic experience. The work consists of two parts, the text of words and the text of bodies. In the first, a theoretical piece about the body and dance, in the other a dancing practice and corporal dialogue. It is concluded that dance, as an art and object of transformation, can rescue the sense lost by the subject in the individual, collective, historical and sociocultural scope. The text, be it of words or bodies, is the effect of weaving some sense.

Palavras-chave : Psychic body; Dance; Samba from gafieira; Sense.

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