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Revista Polis e Psique

versão On-line ISSN 2238-152X


HERNANDEZ, Mauricio Carreño  e  DONOSO, Patricio Pablo Azócar. Youth and the "police turn" of the social sciences. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.spe, pp.138-159. ISSN 2238-152X.

We explore the continuity and displacement of apparatuses of control of youth in Chile in the 2019 uprisings and the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile by focusing on the role played by the social sciences. To do so, we account for the deployment of an immunitarian reason- from the civic-military dictatorship (1973-1989) to today- that concerns itself with the pathogenic agents that threaten the social body. We then move to what we call the "police turn" in the social sciences. Which is to stay- we focus on the emergence of expert discourses that are interested in capturing the expressions of youth in the context of the uprisings and the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, we show that the increasing complexity of the forms of capture and control of youth are not so much concerned with an individual as much as a power [potencia] whose force lies in it tendency towards a radical form of hospitality. This is a power [potencia] who presents both an epistemological and political challenge to social scientists.

Palavras-chave : Young people; Radical Hospitality; Police turn; Social uprising; COVID-19; Social sciences.

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