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 número29Circuitos e circulação de crianças e adolescentes no centro de São Paulo: as políticas de saúde entre cuidado e controleMeninos nNo choram: estudo sobre um caso de abuso sexual infantil índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


FERRAZ, Maira de Maria Pires; XAVIER, Milene Maria  e  CABRAL, Veloso Isabel Rosa. Sexual abuse against children and adolescents: analysis of notifications based on the gender debate. Desidades [online]. 2021, n.29, pp.134-150. ISSN 2318-9282.

ABSTRACT The study's purpose is to characterize sexual violence against children and adolescents between the years 2014 and 2016 in the city of Belém-Pará, a metropolis in northern Brazil, based on the analysis of categories in the Notified Diseases Notification Form, using the victim's gender variable. Of the 3,690 identified cases, 84.80% affected girls, with a mean age of 10.15 years (± 4.20), and 15.20% boys, on average, 8.09 (± 3.97) years old. The main aggressors are men known to the victims. This profile indicates gender and generation power relations and the need to encourage social practices that aim to halt gender violence.

Palavras-chave : notification; sexual violence; children and adolescents; gender.

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