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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


CORTUS-MORALES, Susana; TEBET, Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos  e  ACEVEDO-RINC?N, Jenny Patricia. Children¦s mobilities in pandemic: unveiling children's invisible spatialities in Latin America. Desidades [online]. 2021, n.30, pp.142-161. ISSN 2318-9282.

A diversity of interdependent types and scales of mobility constitute what we know as social life. The current pandemic is revealing everyday mobilities and spatialities in children's lives that usually remain invisible, as well as the ways in which they are interconnected. In this paper we reflect upon how the measures taken for facing the pandemic in Brazil, Chile and Colombia are reconfiguring children¦s mobilities and spatialities in these highly unequal contexts, unveiling aspects of children's everyday lives and mobilities usually ignored or rarely present in childhoods and mobilities studies in general. Analyzing the reconfiguration of the infant's life in pandemic from a mobility perspective leads us to emphasize the relevance of their micro-mobilities, for example in the domestic space, which we illustrate with two cartographies of babies developed in Brazil and Colombia, before and during the pandemic.

Palavras-chave : children¦s mobilities; inequality; COVID-19; micro-geographies; cartographies.

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