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vol.7 número2Qualidade de vida em mulheres mastectomizadas: as marcas de uma nova identidade impressa no corpoPresença de sintomas depressivos em obesos classes II e III índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia Hospitalar

versão On-line ISSN 2175-3547


BEZERRA, Daniela Santos. The MOEBIAN articulation between the clinic and the politics in the services of psicossocial attention. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2009, vol.7, n.2, pp.55-74. ISSN 2175-3547.

This work aims to analyze the questions that emerge on the daily of  brazilian services of psicossocial attention, showing the articulation between the clinic, the politics and the importance of the handling of the relation between technician, familiar users on the effectiveness of the offered clinic. From clinical examples and using the concepts of Banda de Moebius and transference, with the contribution of psichoanalytic  clinic to the extended clinic, including the citizen of the Unconscious as basic to the process of the Psychiatric Reformation, since this subject, different from the citizen of rights, is radically responsible for its position.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis and mental health; Public transference in extended and subject psicossocial; Clinical the attention of the unconscious one; Politics and clinic of the subject.

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