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vol.67 número146A contribuição da calatonia como técnica auxiliar no tratamento da fibromialgia: possibilidades e reflexõesO corpo como meio de aceitação e inserção social: contribuições a partir de Jeffrey Young índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 0006-5943


PEREIRA, Maria da Paz. Psychoanalysis contribuitions to psychopedagogy: the transference at the teacher-student relationship. Bol. psicol [online]. 2017, vol.67, n.146, pp.25-36. ISSN 0006-5943.

Freud elaborated explanatory theories of mental functioning, personality and development of the individual, which have grounded Psychopedagogy. This study aims to identify the types of transference and verify how they can be understood and analyzed in the teacher-student relationship. We start from the assumption that the transference is present in human interactions, but it is understood in different ways according to its use. It was verified that, in the psychoanalytic literature types of transference are denominated positive, negative, speculative, idealizing, erotic and eroticized and perverse, which can be similarly considered in the analysis of the pedagogical relationship. Through transference the student unconsciously projects emotional aspects at the teacher. Even unaware of these aspects, the teacher may exercise continence and transformation of them, making satisfactory the learning process. Failure to understand the transference can increase the student's difficulty, as well as generate obstacles in the pedagogical relationship

Palavras-chave : Transference; teacher-student relationship; Educational Psychology; Psychoanalysis.

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